Life as a Commuter Student at Emmanuel University
On behalf of Student Life, welcome to Emmanuel University. We value our commuter students greatly and want to do all we can to help you feel a part of campus even if you don’t live on it! Below are answers to the questions our commuter students ask most frequently. Please feel free to contact me either via my office in Student Life or email. I look forward to working with you over the course of your Emmanuel career!
Jordan Wallum
Associate Director of Student Engagement
“I want commuters to feel as welcome on this campus as the residents do. I’d love for commuters to have their own community, coming from my heart I’d like for them to feel as at home at Emmanuel as I do.”
Allie Estrada
Middle Grades Ed Major, Commuter
Frequently Asked Questions
a) The EU APP is a first means of keeping up with what is happening on campus.
b) Each Emmanuel student has a university email address. This email account must be checked regularly, if not daily. Email is the most used form of communication on the campus. Important notices, classroom assignments, and general university information will be transmitted daily via the university e-mail network. Most of your class work and communication will be via CANVAS.
c) The Office of Campus Life sends out periodic information emails concerning campus events, changes in parking lot availability, and other news. The Emmanuel Facebook page and Instagram will also keep you updated on upcoming events.
d) The University master calendar can be found on the main website page. Also, there are numerous bulletin boards which will announce activities and events.
e) is the Athletic website where you can get game schedules.
f) The University has an emergency notification system which will send you text messages, emails, phone calls, etc. alerting you of an emergency, such as severe weather alerts, and campus wide class cancellations.
g) On occasion, an individual class session may need to be cancelled at the last moment. This can be frustrating to commuters who have driven some distance for a class that does not meet. Discuss possible notification options with your instructors. Please understand these cancellations may have to be “last minute” and prior notification would be impossible.
a) Commuter students have the option of purchasing Premium Parking Decals for $50 per semester. Premium commuter parking is some of the most convenient parking on the main campus and includes the Wellons Science Center lot behind the Library, the Franklin Springs PH Church lot, the wrestling Gymtorium lot, and the eastern Cafe Lavie lot. Commuter students who do not purchase Premium Parking Decals will be issued free Standard Parking Decals that will allow them to park in the designated open parking lots on campus. A Parking Map is available on the website, under the Life at EC tab. Look for Parking on the drop down list. Our Parking Policies can be found there as well.
b) Standard (free) decals are provided for as many vehicles as you wish to register; however, only one premium decal will be provided for students paying to park on the main campus. There is more standard free parking available around the edge of the campus, but parking on the main campus is limited.
c) All vehicles are required to have a decal to park on campus. Our campus is relatively small and centralized. Students who do not purchase parking decals will find that even the open parking is located closer to residence halls and classrooms than at most other universities. Parking is usually plentiful, but not always convenient.
a) The Dining Hall, located on the Quad in Taylor. You can be on a meal plan or pay at the door.
b) The Lions Den is a quick service destination for lunch. It is open from 10:30AM-2PM, Monday-Friday.
c) Papa Johns, located in the Shaw Athletic Center is open to the public from 4-9p.m.
a) There are desk top computers found in the 1st floor Aaron computer labs and the Library. The wireless network is throughout the campus.
b) If your internet access, away from the campus, is limited, It is important for commuter students to communicate their internet access limitations to those instructors who use the web and/or email as an integral part of their course instruction.
The residence hall lobbies all offer large screen TV’s, comfortable seating, and wi-fi. The library offers a quiet place to study and do research. The library computers and the Aaron computer labs offer places to browse the internet and/or get assignments done. The gym is available for your use provided there is no team practice.
a) There is plenty to do on campus! Whether you want to find a club or organization, try out for a ministry team, or become a part of a discipleship group, we have something for you. Do not hesitate to ask what is here just for you!
b) There are a variety of student organizations: Academic, Common Interest, Performing Arts, and others. Contact the Office of Student Engagement ( for a current list of active groups, contact information, or if you are interested in forming a new group.
c) There are numerous service opportunities and small groups offered by the Office of Spiritual Life.
a) All full-time enrolled students are required to attend the weekly Tuesday morning Chapel services held at 11a.m. in the Swails Center. Commuter students are welcome to attend the Wednesday night Chapel services.
b) The first weekend of the fall semester is called “Alpha Week”, and the first weekend of the spring semester is “New Beginnings Week.” During each of these weekends, the Office of Spiritual Life offers special services and programs. Alpha and New Beginnings Weekends will kick off during a special Tuesday morning Chapel, which commuters are required to attend. Commuters are invited to attend the rest of the services offered during those weekends, but they are optional (for commuters).
a) The University Student Handbook is available on line under the Student Life web page. The handbook includes valuable information on university resources, student rights and responsibilities, the Guide to Community Living, disciplinary procedures, plus other important information. The handbook is revised on an annual basis. It is the student’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of what is in the handbook.
b) The University catalog is also available via the website.
c) The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is a tutorial help center located on the 1st floor of Aaron. The staff will help you on written assignments, prepare for tests, or offer other resources to help you be successful in the classroom.
d) The Office of Counseling is located in the School of Christian Ministries Building and Career Services is located in the Student Life Building. Counselors are available to help you with academic, relational, and/or spiritual needs.