Maxwell, Pastor Chris

Director of Spiritual Life & Campus Pastor

Director of Spiritual Life and Campus Pastor, Chris Maxwell joined Emmanuel University after pastoring in Orlando, FL, for 19 years. Chris and his wife, Debbie, who teaches at Royston Elementary, have three sons: Taylor, Aaron, and Graham. Taylor, a singer, and songwriter, and his wife, Brittany, live in Denver, CO. They have two sons and a daughter. Aaron, who graduated from EU in 2010, serves as an RA at a school in Taejon, South Korea. He is married to another Emmanuel graduate, Amber Evans Maxwell. They have two sons.  Graham graduated from EU after four years playing basketball, and now is an assistant coach for the Lions. He is married to Ginni Jones Maxwell – who formerly served at Emmanuel University in Student Development.

Chris speaks around the world in churches, retreat centers, conferences, and medical conventions. He is also an author.  His new book, Underwater: When Encephalitis, Brain Injury, and Epilepsy Change Everything tells the story of how Chris almost died and now lives with epilepsy and major brain damage. He is a walking miracle. His “Pause Series” – Pause With Jesus: Encountering His Story in Everyday Life, Pause for Pastors: Finding Still Waters in the Storm of Ministry, Pause for Moms: Finding Rest in a Too Busy World and Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time include stories, questions, and spiritual exercises guide readers to a greater understanding of how God is with us in our normal life experiences. His book Unwrapping His Presence, is a collection of stories and poems for the Christmas season, a difficult time for many people. It contains honest words of hope, reminding readers of Christ’s entry into our world and our lives. Changing My Mind chronicles Chris’ battle with the life-changing experience of encephalitis and the long-term effects of epilepsy. God has used his disability to bring hope to many hurting people. His first book, Beggars Can Be Chosen, uses the narratives of Jesus inviting people to follow Him to teach much about Christ’s method of evangelism.

In addition to being an author of those books, Chris writes articles, reviews, curriculum, poetry, songs, commercials and speeches for various magazines, publishing companies, websites, and newspapers. He has written for Leadership Journal, God’s Word for Today, Ministry Today, The Orlando Sentinel, Charisma, Enrichment, LIVE, Lift, The Sonshine Bulletin and others. He has also served as editor or ghostwriter for over twenty books, and written chapters and devotionals for other books, including Traci Mullins’ A Grandmother’s Touch.

Chris is honored to serve at Emmanuel. After graduating from Emmanuel’s School of Christian Ministries in 1982, his years of youth work, pastoral leadership, and counseling bring much experience to our campus.






Pastor Chris Maxwell