For Non-School of Christian Ministries major only. REQUIREMENTS In addition to completion of the Liberal Arts Core and completion of the requirements for a major in another area, the following courses must be taken to qualify for a Biblical Studies Minor. There can be no duplication of course work in this minor. Therefore, if any of the following courses are Read more...
The field of Agriculture is growing at a rapid pace and needs qualified graduates ready to fill the expanding job market. A minor in Agriculture will enhance a student’s resume while providing them with experience and employment skill sets. ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS To be considered as a minor in Agriculture, students must meet these requirements: must have completed BIO 111 and Read more...
REQUIREMENTS In addition to completing the requirements of the liberal arts core and completion of the requirements for a major in another area, the following courses must be taken to qualify as a Biology Minor. In general, courses that are required in a student’s major will not meet a requirement in a student’s minor. However, a maximum of two courses Read more...
REQUIREMENTS In addition to completing the requirements of the liberal arts core and completion of the requirements for a major in another area, the following courses must be taken to qualify as a Chemistry Minor. In general, courses that are required in a student’s major will not meet a requirement in a student’s minor. However, a maximum of two courses Read more...
ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS To be considered as a minor in Communication, students must meet these requirements: •complete EN 101, EN 102 and CM 130 with a grade of “C” or higher; •hold a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher. REQUIREMENTS In addition to completion of the Liberal Arts Core and completion of the requirements for a major in another Read more...
ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS To be considered as a minor in Communication, students must meet these requirements: •complete EN 101, EN 102 and CM 130 with a grade of “C” or higher; •hold a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher. REQUIREMENTS In addition to completion of the Liberal Arts Core and completion of the requirements for a major in another Read more...
ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS To be considered as a minor in Communication, students must meet these requirements: •complete EN 101, EN 102 and CM 130 with a grade of “C” or higher; •hold a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher. REQUIREMENTS In addition to completion of the Liberal Arts Core and completion of the requirements for a major in another Read more...
This minor is offered through a partnership with the Council of Christian Colleges & Universities Los Angeles Film Studies Center. Therefore, the requirements for admittance to this program are subject to criteria established by Emmanuel University and the CCCU. ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS To be considered for a minor in Film Studies, students must meet these requirements: 1. Complete EN 101, EN Read more...
(For non-Business majors only) ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS Students desiring to minor in Computer Information Systems must be referred to a Business Administration advisor before registering for Computer Information Systems courses. REQUIREMENTS In addition to completion of the Liberal Arts Core and completion of the requirements for a major in another area, the following courses must be taken to qualify for a Read more...
(For non-Business majors only) ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS Students desiring to minor in Business must be referred to a Business Administration program advisor for advisement before registering for Business courses. REQUIREMENTS In addition to completion of the Liberal Arts Core and completion of the requirements for the major in another area, the following courses must be taken to qualify as a Business Read more...