Church Media Marketing Minor
To be considered as a minor in Communication, students must meet these requirements:
•complete EN 101, EN 102 and CM 130 with a grade of “C” or higher;
•hold a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher.
In addition to completion of the Liberal Arts Core and completion of the requirements for a major in another area, the following courses must be taken to qualify for a Communication Minor. In general, courses that are required in a student’s major will not meet a requirement in a student’s minor. However, a maximum of two courses may be used to satisfy the requirement of the minor from the major. Substitution of courses in a major/minor will require the completion of a Course Substitution/Waiver form, as described previously in this Catalog. A grade of “C” or higher in each course is required.
BU 305 (Marketing) 3 hrs.
CM 210 Interpersonal Communication 3 hrs.
CM 240 (Digital Media Production) 3 hrs.
CM 241 (Design Technology) 3 hrs.
CM 260 (Church Media) 3 hrs.
CM 261 (Church Media Graphics) 1 hr.
CM 315 Social Media Comm. Strategies 3 hrs.
CM 400 Practicum 1 hr.
Total 20 hrs.