Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Core Values:

  • We value the body of Christ.
  • We value the worth of each person as a unique creation of God.
  • We value Christ-centered higher education that integrates faith and learning.
  • We value our Evangelical/Pentecostal tradition and heritage.

Priority 1. Cultivate meaningful relationships with God, self, and others.

  • Goal 1: Continue to integrate a Biblical worldview into the College curriculum.
  • Goal 2: Enhance spiritual development opportunities on campus
  • Goal 3: Expand EC Serve as the primary outreach organization that provides opportunities for students, student clubs, athletic teams, and employees to serve God and others.

Priority 2. Provide Academic programs and support services centered on student learning.

  • Goal 1: Assess and review existing academic programs for relevance and viability.
  • Goal 2: improve student persistence in achieving degree completion.
  • Goal 3: Create opportunities for sharing best practices of teaching and learning.

Priority 3. Expand academic mission through new programs

  • Goal 1: Improve Virtuosi Honors program
  • Goal 2: Assess current and new baccalaureate programs (on ground or online)
  • Goal 3: Add new graduate and continuing ed programs

Priority 4. Expand co-curricular experiences that are intended to foster student development and create community

  • Goal 1: Develop co-curricular training experiences in interpersonal and soft skills and emotional
  • Goal 2: Enhance student experience through clubs and organizations
  • Goal 3: Promote a culture of wellness on campus.
  • Goal 4: Enhance career development initiatives and resources.

Priority 5. Improve campus infrastructure

  • Goal 1: Provide security and safety system
  • Goal 2: Enhance the technology infrastructure
  • Goal 3: Identify facilities that need to be added or improved and reduce all deferred maintenance.

Priority 6. Improve financial stability of the college

  • Goal 1: Improve and diversify revenue streams.
  • Goal 2: Grow the endowment.
  • Goal 3: Reduce and/or refinance the debt.
  • Goal 4: Create and implement a comprehensive fundraising plan that improves the productivity of fundraising efforts.